In the field of activities of Expert Group on Refugees, Internal Displaced Persons, and Statelessness Statistics (EGRISS), on 7th October 2023, president of KRSO, member of the steering committee since 2020 participated in the Webinar on identifying refugees, IDPs and statelessness in statistical work, where he became a member of the management committee of this group in 2020.
The webinar was organized by the working group of the United Nations Statistics Unit (UNSD) who works on households’ survey and 135 it.
President of KRSO and two other international experts were the speakers of the webinar. President of KRSO delivered a presentation in the webinar and answered the questions of the participants on this matter.
The purpose of the webinar was to discuss the different methods that should be used in household surveys using the international recommendations to collect statistics on refugees and displaced persons, which were approved by the United Nation Statistical Commission in 2020 and KRSO had a key role in drafting the recommendations taking advantages of experts from KRSO that conducted several surveys in this field for years.
It is worth mentioning that this group was established in 2016 and president of KRSO and head of Population and Labor Force Statistics in KRSO have been members of this group since 2017 and participated in all activities of the group, the last of which was the high level meeting of members in December 2022 in Ethiopia.