Having been invited by ministry of planning of Iraq, head of KRSO accompanied by secretary of high committee of census in KR attended the meeting of ministry of planning with census operation room and census executive administration on 25 may 2022.
In the meeting, minister of planning highlighted the latest preparatory steps that has been taken towards the census implementation and stressed that the CSO will work to conduct the census preparatory works and to continue cooperation with KRSO in this process. His excellency also mentioned the provision of budget to KRSO and CSO for the current and following year to jointly work and handle the census process according to the plan following finishing the preparatory works.
The president of KRSO acknowledged that the ministry of planning in KRI always emphasizing the importance of census in the progress of the country without any politics interference and more cooperation between parties to make the census a succeed. He also announced that KRSO need more to do from now on to pass preparatory steps side by side of CSO and not to be delayed because of budget deficiency and to address technical problems which is of great importance.
Next, the president of CSO and executive directorate of the census expressed their comments for the participants and talked about. At the end, it was decided to hold the meeting of the census high committee on June 6 2022 in Baghdad with attendance of the members of Kurdistan region to commence the next steps as soon as possible.