Administrative and personal affairs Department

Head of the Administrative and personal affairs Department
Bshar Hassan Ali started working in Kurdistan Region Statistics office in 2006. In 2011, he oversaw the service department. In 2009, he was the head of the receiving and delivery committee for the general census and in 2011-2020 oversaw the audit department. In 2020, appointed as the director of administrative and personal affairs in KRSO and participated in several courses and workshops.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
This department directly manages the administrative departments of KRSO (personal affairs, employment affair, storage, and service departments, etc.). It also manages the administrative affairs of statistical directorates of governorates.
Population and Labor Force Statistics Department

Head of Population and Labor Force Statistics Department
Gohdar Mohammad Ali Saeed has been working in Kurdistan Region Statistics Office since 2002. In 2004-2005, he oversaw Industrial Statistics Department. In 2006 he supervised transportation and communication statistics department. From 2007 up to now is managing Population and Labor Force Statistics Department. He supervises most of the surveys and statistical work which are conducted by KRSO in the population and labor force statistics department. He has participated in several training courses and workshops in the field of population and labor force statistics and several regional and international conferences on statistics. He holds a master’s degree in Demography from the University of Southampton in the UK in 2014.
A Brief on the Activities and duties in Population and Labor Force Statistics department:
Population is the first and most ancient field on which data had been collected such as the number of people, number of deaths and births. Having information about the population, its composition and changes structure of the population or demography is the cornerstone of most statistical work that plays an effective role in planning and formulating policies and strategies of the country.
If there is census process in place, it would be the first and the most priority task of this department because the results of census can provide the largest and most comprehensive statistical framework for other statistical departments in KRSO and even other parties outside the KRSO- governmental or non-governmental. Otherwise, or if there is no census in place, providing information on the number and composition of the population, changes structure, as well as estimating and predicting of population for a near future or not a distant future is the main duty in this department. This department is also in charge of organizing official statistics in the field of population and supporting the relevant parties in this regard.
In addition, developing a database for the administrative units of Kurdistan Region at the level of governorates, districts, sub-districts, villages and quarters and continuously updating of this database and linking it to the number and composition of the population can be considered as another task of this department.
Labor Force refers to a specific group of population. Evaluating the Labore force and its composition in term of statistics is one of the areas of identifying the level of economic development of the country.
Conducting labor force and labor market surveys is the most important task of Population and Labor Force Statistics department. By conducting such surveys, the relevant parties can have access to information on the Labor force composition, types of occupations, economic activities branches, employment sectors, the weak and strong points, and many other points in relation with the labor force statistics, where stakeholders can use in their planning and updating the labor market needs according to the changes to meet the demands.
Education, Health, and Social Statistics Department

Head of Education, Health, and Social Statistics Department
Shwan Abbas Khedher holds bachelor's degree in statistics from Salahaddin University, Erbil, 2008 and started working in Kurdistan Region Statistics Office in 2009. From the very beginning of working in KRSO, he participated in the preparations for the general population census until 2011 as the assistant of the head of the education, health, and social statistics departments. In 2012, he was appointed as the head of Education, Health, and Social Statistics Department in KRSO. Since then, as the director of surveys, he has supervised in all statistical surveys related to the department at the regional level and as the central supervisor he has supervised several surveys carried out by KRSO at the governorate level. He has participated in several international trainings, meetings, workshops, and conferences with organizations affiliated to UN. He has worked with the University of Oxford and UNICEF as a member of the Committee for measuring Multidimensional Poverty Indicators (MPI).
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
To develop work plans and strategies, the Department of Education, Health, and Social Statistics provides the relevant parties with important indicators in the fields of education, health, social and living conditions through carrying out household surveys. Conducting surveys on the households, women, and children condition, which includes health, education and social indicators is the main work of this department. Due to the lack of a general population census in recent years as a comprehensive source of information in various fields, it has been relied on carrying out household surveys to obtain specific indicators on the Education, Health, and social fields of households in Kurdistan Region with taking into consideration all household demographic characteristics. This department also collect and update information on the above-mentioned areas and key indicators in an annual basis through official records of the relevant ministries.
The living condition of households is another important area, on which the Department of Education, Health and Social Statistics provides important information through conducting the Household Socio Economic survey (IHSES). IHSES is the largest and most comprehensive survey conducted by KRSO in coordination with the World Bank and its field work last for one year. The main results of the survey provide information on households and individuals’ income and expenditure. It is also used to measure the inflation and deflation rate of food and non-food materials used by consumers. above all of these, IHSES is an important source for updating and determining the new poverty lines in Kurdistan Region, which can provide the relevant parties with information about the level of economic growth and welfare of the population to develop strategic plans to reduce the poverty and improve the living condition of the people in the region.
Youth should be taken into consideration as they are the foundation of society and comprise an important part of the population. Developing and improving their skills and using their abilities is one of the goals of the government. Therefore, doing surveys about teenagers and youth is another duty of this department so that it can provide specific indicators in this area to be used in national plans and strategies.
In addition, the Department of Education, Health, and Social Statistics has been coordinating with WFP since 2016 to assess the food status of local households in Kurdistan Region as well as the food security of IDPs and refugees in the camps in Kurdistan Region’s governorate through conducting field surveys.
Industrial Statistics Department

Head of Industrial Statistics Department
Mohammed Tofiq Rasul joined Kurdistan Region Statistics Office in 2008. He holds a master's degree in social statistics from the University of Southampton in 2015. As a project coordinator and central supervisor, he has supervised several surveys and participated in several courses and workshops on statistics.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
Industry sector plays a significant role in the growth and development of countries' economy due to gaining income and creating job opportunity and contributing to gross domestic production. For this reason, the Department of Industrial Statistics of Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO) works to provides detailed annual statistical information and important indicators on this sector through conducting surveys for micro, small and medium industrial establishments.
Agriculture and Environment Statistical Department

Head of Agriculture and Environment Statistical Department
Dlawar Jalil Ahmad joined Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO) in 2009. As project coordinator and central supervisor, he has supervised several surveys and participated in several statistics courses and workshops. He has a bachelor's degree in statistics from Salahaddin University in 2007.
Agriculture sector is considered as an important source of food security and one of the pillars of economic growth around the world.
There is a good opportunity to develop the agricultural sector in Kurdistan region, which contribute to the further development of this sector due to the presence of water, air and fertile soil.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Statistics in Kurdistan Region statistics Office participates in collecting information related to this sector through conducting surveys, including seasonal surveys such as winter and summer crops and livestock surveys, as well as collecting data on water resources and more other data and information related to the agricultural and environmental sectors in Kurdistan Region.
Transportation and Communications Statistical Department

Head of Transportation and Communications Statistics Department
Ahmad Wahab Shahab started working in Kurdistan Region Statistics office in 2013 and holding master’s degree at business administration from “University of Picardie Jules Verne”. He participated in several surveys as the project coordinator and central supervisor. He also participated in workshops on administration and public communication.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
Transportation and communication are important sectors as they play an important role in economic and social activities. for this reason, statistics department of Transportation and Communications in KRSO works to provide accurate statistical information on transportation and communication on an annual basis through conducting surveys and data collection. The most important activities in this department are collecting statistical data on air transportation, automobiles in private sector and traffic accidents in order to provide important indicators in these fields.
Managing and Analyzing Data Department

Head of Managing and Analyzing Data Department
Raqeeb Bahaddin Mohammad holds a master’s degree in social Statistics in the UK in 2014.
Brief about the duties and activities of the department:
The Data Management and Analysis Department plays a key role in the implementation of statistical project, especially surveys in coordination with the heads of technical departments in KRSO to prepare the data entry program in both form of the Paper-Assisted Personal Interviewing (PAPI) and Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI). PAPI is a face-to-face data collection method in which the interviewer uses paper questionnaire and CAPI is a face-to-face data collection method in which the interviewer uses a tablet. This department is also in charge of training data entry staff and supervising data entry process for paper questionnaires following the fieldwork or, if electronic devices are used, data would be directly recorded on the tablet device at the time of interviewing and then sent to a server via the Internet. After transferring and processing of the data, the data analysis work begins to calculate indicators and release in tables in a final report.
Information Technology Department

Head of Information Technology Department
Dildar Ali Ibrahim joined Kurdistan Region Statistics Office in 2004 and was appointed as the Head of Information Technology Department in 2012.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
Information Technology Department is one of the most important parts in KRSO and works alongside all other statistical departments to meet the KRSO’s objectives. Its main duties are as follows:
- Website monitoring,
- Managing and fixing network and internet problems,
- Installing and providing all kinds of information technology equipment, such as computers, video conferences, printers, scanners, etc.
- Developing and creating database for KRSO’s statistical departments,
- Organizing and managing a special place for training and information entry.
Trade Statistical Department

Head of Trade Statistical Department
Shaima Mohamed has been working in Kurdistan Region Statistics since 2003. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Statistics in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics from University of Mosul in 2003, and a Master's degree in Practical Statistics from Salahuddin University in Erbil in 2015. In 2000 She headed the consumer price index (CPI) Department. From 2005 to 2013 supervised several surveys as project coordinator and central supervisor, participated in several training courses and workshops on Census Statistics and national account. In 2019, she was appointed as the head of trade statistics department in KRSO.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
The trade sector plays a significant role in the economic development of countries. For this reason, the Department of Trade statistics from Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO) works to provide various information and data on trade, tourism and investment through annual statistical surveys or collecting information from government agencies and providing important indicators and reliable data in these areas so that a strong foundation be made for a proper program for relevant beneficiaries.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) Statistics Department

Head of Consumer Price Index (CPI) Statistics Department
Shahla Hani Ali started working in KRSO in 2009. She holds a bachelor's degree in statistics from Mosul University. From 2013 she has been in charge CPI Department and in 2019 she took the responsibility of National Accounts department as well. She participated in several surveys as project coordinator and central supervisor, and participated in several census -related training courses, surveys, and workshops with Iraq Central Statistical Organization (CSO), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
The Consumer Price Index Department collects prices of consumed goods, rents, price of industrial products, and residential properties prices. It also measures inflation rate and release the results in a monthly and annual reports and press release.
In addition, the CPI Department in collaboration with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), has been working since 2011 to implement an international comparison program to determine the purchasing power of the region in comparison to other countries. It also, works to calculate the gross domestic product for Kurdistan Region in collaboration with the Central Statistical Organization and the Department of Geographical Systems Science.
Dissemination and publishing Department

Head of Dissemination and publishing Department
Suad Baker Faqe started working as a translator in KRSO in 2004. She holds a bachelor's degree in English language from Salahaddin University. In 2014, she was appointed as the Head of the dissemination Department in KRSO.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
- Preparing weekly reports on the activities of the statistical departments of KRSO and sending them to the Ministry of Planning.
- Reviewing and auditing the statistical reports and press releases which are prepared by KRSO in three languages of Kurdish, Arabic and English before publishing.
- Reviewing and auditing the press releases which are prepared by KRSO before publishing.
- Reviewing the statistical works prepared by statistical departments in KRSO and preparing for publishing on the website.
- Reviewing statistical work or reports prepared by organizations outside KRSO, if needed.
- Following up, and preparing information and data requested by users, including students, researchers, ministries, governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Translation Department

Head of Translation Department
Hadar Haso Mirkhan, graduated from the English Department / Salahaddin University.
started working in KRSO as translator in 2004.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
- Translating statistical reports prepared by KRSO’ statistical departments from Kurdish to English,
- Translating statistical publications from English to Kurdish that are prepared outside KRSO, if needed,
- Translating press releases from Kurdish to English and vice versa,
- Reviewing and auditing the statistical works prepared by KRSO in collaboration with statistical departments in KRSO and preparing them for translation,
- Reviewing the statistical work or reports prepared by other organizations in cooperation with KRSO.
Geographical Information System (GIS) Department

Head of Geographical Information System (GIS) Department
Poshan Faroq Mohammed started working in Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO) in 2010. She is holding a bachelor's degree graduated from the College of Agriculture, Salahaddin University in 2008. She Participated in the housing and numbering project and the census preparation process in 2010. As coordinator of projects and surveys in KRSO, she has participated in several courses on GIS and data analysis.
Brief about the duties and activities of the department:
GIS is a scientific and modern system. This department supports all statistical departments In Kurdistan Region Statistics Office in term of presenting statistical data on maps. This department prepares the map of Kurdistan Region by governorates, districts, sub-districts, and villages in the form of shape file. GIS department in KRSO is an official source for cooperating and coordinating with government agencies and organization to create map for Kurdistan region’s administrative boarder, rivers, dam, and topographic map. Should any changes in place in term of coming out a new governorate, district or sub district or making changes in their boundaries, it would be coordinated with the Ministry of Interior of Kurdistan Region.
Accounting department

head of Accounting department
Kurdistan Najat Sami holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the College of Economics. started working in 2005 in the Ministry of Commerce/ General Directorate of Commerce in Building and Construction Materials department. In 2008 she started working in KRSO in Accounting Department and participated in several courses and workshops on accounting.
Brief on the duties and activities of the department:
Accounting department works in budget, salary, petty cash, the annual budget of KRSO and statistical directorates affiliated to KRSO. It also works on the monthly salaries of permanent and contracted employees, on monthly and other kinds of petty cash as well as on the budget provided by government and international organizations to KRSO surveys and statistical activities.
Service Department

Head of Service Department
Hemn Samad Taha started working in KRSO in 2008, first as a driver and then as the head of the service department. He is currently studding at Institute of law administration.
A brief about the duties and activities of the department:
- Following up and supervising drivers, information and guards’ staff and their performance,
- Organizing and providing transportation services for the KRSO’s staff while visiting other offices or places at the working time,
- Managing and providing services for meeting, training, and data entry hall as well as all KRSO’s departments,
- Supervising the water and electricity supply,
- Organizing and supervising the staff’s transportation,
- Supervising the repair of equipment, cars, and generators in cooperation with the purchase and repair committee.