President of KRSO
Engineer Serwan Mohammed (Bsc. In electronics and communications-Baghdad University-1994) assumed the responsibility of the president of regional statistic office in 2010. Engineer Serwan experience background is administrative as he was the director general of relations in the dissolved ministry of humanitarian aid and cooperation between 1998-2006. During that period, he participated in forming the government-NGOs relationship through administrative directive No (1) of year (2002)
He has also participated in establishing the IDPs and returnees’ assistance strategy during 986 oil for food program. In addition, he headed efforts to form emergency preparedness and response authority in Kurdistan Region and was able to do so in the level of each governorate in the region by the end of 2004 with the assistance of SCF UK. By the beginning of 2005, he took over the responsibility coordinating with Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) representation abroad which he did till May 2006. Mr. Serwan works to develop KRSO work and strengthen relations and cooperation with Iraq central statistics office (CSO) and international statistics offices and organizations to be able to provide and update policy relevant indicators and data.